Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Br. A. F. Brennan, CFC RIP


On Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006, Br. Augustus Fidelis Brennan passed away suddenly at Mount St. Francis at the age of 84 - 1 week before the new Church year and 1 year before his 70th year as a Brother. Just hours before, he attended a celebration for 70 years service in the congregation for Br. P.J. Batterton, Br.J.B. Darcy, and Br.J.G. Shea.

In 1960-61, he was my grade eleven teacher at St. Patrick’s Hall School. (In 62/63 St. Pat’s would change from 1-11 to 1-8 school.) I remember our first day in Sept of 1960. Our names were called out in the gym and we were led away to our classroom by Br. Brennan. He had no discipline problems because he was well respected and an excellent teacher. He taught us all the subjects except Physics (Br. P. V. Shea).He didn’t waste any time in class (time on task was high). It took me about 5 hours a night to keep up with the written homework. On weekends and other times he would take us to the gym for basketball. Being tall, he was pretty good in basketball - earning his nickname "Stalks" Brennan. There were many activities in the school - cadets, sports, various clubs, and just hanging around. In the last few weeks (or months) of the school year, Brother would stay after class to prepare us for the CHE exams (Council of Higher Education). This paid off as a good number were able to win Government Scholarships. About 10 people in the class entered the priesthood or religious life - no doubt inspired by Br. Brennan and others. We paid $2/month in school fees - that was 10 cents a day for 10 subjects. To receive over 1000 hours of instruction by one so eminent for $20.00 was a great bargain.

Br. Brennan had a great interest in outdoor education. He was able to start the Br. Brennan Environment Center at Salmonier. All the materials for the first building were carried to the site by motor boat. For the first few years students and teachers travelled by motor boat to get to the site. Later a road was built around the pond. I had the opportunity to take several classes to this center and on one occasion I was able to give Br. a video tape of the activities of one such group. He didn’t think I should take up film-making.

It is indeed ironic that on the very day he died the city of St. John’s had a workshop on vandalism - a clear sign that crime and vandalism is on the rise throughout the province. In those days we were taught great respect for persons and property as well as the environment.

When he was founding principal of Regina High School (Corner Brook), he not only took on the full high school teaching load but also taught 3 university courses affiliated with St. Francis Xavier University - thus holding three full time jobs. Later, he was awarded an honorary doctorate of Laws from that university (1982).

When he was superintendent of the RC School Board for St. John’s, he showed his versatility. With the Arts and Culture Center filled with teachers and the guest speaker unable to land, Br. Brennan delivered the keynote address with great competence.

Three Christian Brothers were elected president of Newfoundland Teachers’ Association - Br. M. O. O’Hehir, Br. J. B. Darcy, and Br. A. F. Brennan and I had the opportunity to be taught by all three. Br. Brennan was also President of Canadian Teachers’ Federation.

I would like to give credit to the Christian Brothers for the great education I have received. Br. Brennan is certainly one of many venerable Newfoundlanders who have contributed greatly to this province and we must ensure that his legacy is preserved for future generations. To his immediate family and to his fellow Christian Brothers at Mount St. Francis I offer my condolence.

"They that instruct many to justice shall shine as stars for all eternity" (Daniel 12:2)

Garrett Bambrick

709 726 0126


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